Saturday, December 8, 2012

Madison Mardesich - Gridley High School - Grandfather Anton Killed Man And Tried To Cover It Up

Madison Mardesich - Gridley High School - Grandfather Anton Richard Mardesich Killed A Man And Tried To Cover It Up.

Madison's grandfather Anton killed a man and left him in the road to die. This sleaze bag Anton then tried to cover up the crime. Anton only confessed after the police were on his trail. This low life dirt bag Anton was trying to cover up his crime hoping he'd get away with it. 

 A Gridley man has pleaded guilty to charges stemming from a Nov. 14 hit-and-run collision on the Midway that fatally wounded a cyclist.

Anton Richard Mardesich, 71, pleaded guilty today in Butte County Superior Court to felony counts of insurance fraud and leaving the scene of an accident involving death or permanent injury.
Driving north on the Midway from Durham, Mardesich allowed his sport utility vehicle to drift onto the shoulder near Roble Road and strike cyclist Rick Magee, 61. Magee suffered severe head and internal injuries and died five hours later at Enloe Medical Center in Chico.
The following day, Mardesich allegedly took the 2007 Ford Edge to a Gridley auto body shop and claimed an oak limb fell on it while he was driving through an orchard for work. He allegedly made a similar claim to the insurance company.
On Nov. 16, a windshield repairman reportedly saw a human hair on the windshield. A painter reportedly saw the defendant come into the shop's yard on Nov. 19 to smear mud on the vehicle's right headlight and windshield.
Both accounts were reported to the shop's secretary, who later called the California Highway Patrol after seeing a television news report about a silver SUV or truck being the suspect vehicle in the incident.
The vehicle was seized on Nov. 20 and searched Nov. 21.
During a Nov. 27 interview at the CHP office in Chico, Mardesich reportedly admitted to striking the cyclist.
He faces a maximum sentence of
six years in state prison when he is sentenced Feb. 20. Outside of court, deputy district attorney Brent Redelsperger said the prosecution will consider its penalty recommendation after reviewing a pre-sentencing report. He acknowledged that McGee's friends and his partner are seeking the maximum penalty.
The prosecutor said the incident was a tragedy. He said Mardesich has to face the repercussions for failing to stop as required.
Defense attorney Philip Heithecker said after the hearing that he will seek probation. He said Mardesich has lived a long, law-abiding life and would be a good probation candidate.
Heithecker said Mardesich panicked after the incident and didn't do what he was required to do. He said his client also feels embarrassed and remorseful for the attempted cover-up.
"This incident has affected the victim's family and friends, and my client feels terrible," Heithecker said.
Mardesich suffered two "cardiac episodes" during Thanksgiving weekend. Heithecker said his client has ongoing physical issues and is undergoing counseling.
Members of Mardesich's family have offered to meet with McGee's family and his partner, but the request has been rejected. Heithecker said he hoped they will ultimately agree to meet.
More than half of the courtroom audience appeared to be there for Mardesich's hearing.
After the hearing, Mardesich left the courtroom and was embraced by waiting supporters.
Judge James Reilley allowed Mardesich to remain out of custody until sentencing.
Mardesich is also barred from driving until sentencing.
Staff Writer Ryan Olson may be contacted at 896-7763 or


  1. Your a coward!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How dare you bring a child into this matter
    What does the granddaughter have to do with the crime
    You are a low life prevented ignorant coward who deserves karma to slap him in the face
    You have no idea what he has gone through nor his family
    Everyone makes mistakes and gets scared
    There was no purpose murder here and how dare you try to publish it that way
    You deserve to be publicly humiliated for not only twisting a story but also publishing something irrelevant about a minor , a 17 year old girl!!!!
    Comment back you miserable bored creep
    I dare you! I'm Kaeli Powell and ill be at Gridley high school if you wanna reach me! Thanks(:

  4. Kaeli,

    I'm sure Anton Mardesich never intended to kill anyone. I'm sure Anton drove off because he was scared. But, here is why you are wrong............

    1 - Anton DELIBERATELY tried to get away with his crime, tampering with evidence, and refusing to turn himself in. Remember, he only turned himself in AFTER the cops got a call about him from the auto repair shop where he took his car to get fixed.

    2 - Anton tried to get his insurance company to pay for the damage to his car by filing a fraudulent claim.

    3 - If someone had killed your mother or father and tried to get away with the crime, like Anton did, you'd be screaming for justice.

    What Anton did showed no remorse and lack of conscience. These were selfish acts where Anton put himself ahead of his victim and his victim's family and friends. It was bad enough Anton left his victim in the road to die, but he went to great lengths to try and get away with his crime. What ever bad things Anton or his family have suffered was brought on by Anton and no one else.

  5. One other comment. In regards to the article above that states......

    "Mardesich left the courtroom and was embraced by waiting supporters......"

    His supporters are a group of two faced a--holes. They support Anton's cold hearted actions because they have no connections to the real victims. If any of Anton's supporters had a family member killed, and the person responsible for killing that family member tried to cover up his crime, like Anton did, these so called supporters would be singing a different tune.
